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10 years ago, when the housing crisis hit, business was off for most printers by 25 to 30%. Who knew we’d be envious of those numbers? The coronavirus has set many of us back 60% or more. But there was one print shop owner who told Bill she had a breakeven year. Breakeven? Are you serious? How is that even possible? Her city was devastated the same as everyone else. Her customers were just as hesitant. She did not tap into some unknown market because of the situation. She simply remembered one thing: We are quick printers. “Quick” is part of our name. And so, she decided to remind her clients of that. Customers are nervous about making mistakes. As such, they tend to wait before pulling the trigger on print jobs and marketing efforts. But there’s one thing that hasn’t changed: When they want it, they want it now! Are you built for speed? If you are equipped with inkjet printing capabilities, one of your key assets and selling points is likely turnaround time. Take a lesson from the …
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How can you still be useful to clients when it’s clear they’re not interested in what you’re selling? With the Covid-19 pandemic, decreased budgets, and lack of work, many customers are being forced to turn their backs on trusted suppliers. So, how can you keep your customers close even if they don’t necessarily need you now? The answer lies in targeted communication to turn yourself into an expert! How would you define the word expert? Someone who offers guidance, advice and knowledge that’s of use. So make yourself more useful than ever by offering your expertise with this simple strategy; Instead of selling… send out tips. Offer your clients information to keep them engaged and by your side. Here’s how to communicate your expertise as efficiently as possible. Use lists! Lists make it seem like you’ve culled through all the clutter to find the best of the best. Plus, lists can make mundane information more enticing. Our overworked brains breathe a sigh of relief when we see …
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Imagine if you were walking down the road at dusk and you came across an artist painting the sunset. The sky is a brilliant mix of colors, red, yellow, orange…and changing by the minute. As some artists are protective of their work, you ask permission to have a peek. What you see takes your breath away. It’s in black and white. Here is the most beautiful sunset you have ever seen laid out on the canvas of the sky and this knucklehead is choosing black and white to portray it? “Why not paint in color?” you ask. “Color? What’s that?” comes the curious reply. ********* Giving an artist the opportunity to do more than just create monochromatic scenery opens up worlds of possibilities. What if you gave a worker a toolbox? Or how about handing a mechanic a wrench? Imagine the results. Imagine. That is the word you can focus on when deciding what to say to customers and prospects regarding inkjet printing.| Imagine what worlds you will open up to them. The capabilities of inkjet are to the …
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thINK more than doubled Canon inkjet customer attendance from prior year at the thINK Ahead Live Virtual Event that took place September 2, 2020. …
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