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Amy Fond

3 Tips to Communicate Your Value

By Amy Fond on September 14, 2020

How can you still be useful to clients when it’s clear they’re not interested in what you’re selling? With the Covid-19 pandemic, decreased budgets, and lack of work, many customers are being forced to turn their backs on trusted suppliers. So, how can you keep your customers close even if they don’t necessarily need you now?

The answer lies in targeted communication to turn yourself into an expert! How would you define the word expert? Someone who offers guidance, advice and knowledge that’s of use. So make yourself more useful than ever by offering your expertise with this simple strategy; Instead of selling… send out tips. Offer your clients information to keep them engaged and by your side. Here’s how to communicate your expertise as efficiently as possible.


  • Use lists! Lists make it seem like you’ve culled through all the clutter to find the best of the best. Plus, lists can make mundane information more enticing.  Our overworked brains breathe a sigh of relief when we see lists. Lists signal a chance to not work as hard because someone else who knows better has already done the work for us!  So show your expertise by sending out lists with helpful information. 



        “The top 3 ways to improve color print quality.”

        “5 great examples of print marketing materials.”

          “The #1 trick to make your print marketing more effective.”


  • Use flags to get customers’ attention by telling them these are tips and trends they “need” to know. Remember flags are verbal cues to highlight that what you’re about to tell someone will matter to them. When you use flags like “need”, “must”, “only”, you’re signaling that this is vital information you don’t want to miss out on. 



        “What you need to know about the inkjet tipping point.”

        “The only way to improve your marketing quality.”

        “The best advice I was ever given in the industry.”


  • Remind clients what they’ll get from this information. Don’t forget to wrap it up and spell out why customers should pay attention to what you’re saying. What’s in it for them. Will your tips help them save money, gain a competitive advantage, put them in the know?


        “Why knowing inkjet trends can save you dollars down the road.”

        “3 trends to keep you competitive in today’s market.”

        “The print marketing materials that will increase your sales.”        

Whatever tactic you choose and whatever phrasing feels right, the key is to be proactive. Pick a set amount of time that works for your relationship whether it’s weekly, monthly or quarterly communication. Then make sure to follow your set schedule so clients know they can depend on you for tips, trends and important information. 

So often we communicate in order to earn something from our customers… typically sales. The trick with sharing your expertise is that you come across as caring without trying to get something in return. In reality though, by sending out timely tips you can create demand for yourself, prove you’re worth investing trust, show your clients you’re there for them, and establish yourself as an authority with knowledge of the field.