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The Mailers’ Technical Advisory Committee (MTAC) is a venue for the USPS to share technical information with mailers and receive advice and recommendations concerning mail-related products and services, in an effort to enhance customer value and expand the use of USPS products and services. Meetings are hosted once per quarter and offer an opportunity for mailers to directly interact with the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) executive leadership team on new and existing programs. Here, Canon production inkjet customers and thINK members Eric Hollingsworth (Vice President of Operations, RevSpring), Scott Williams (General Manager of Operations, Impact), and Dina Kessler (President, Kessler Creative) share a recap from the January 14–15, 2025 MTAC meeting with the thINK community. MTAC Restructure The latest MTAC kicked off on Tuesday, January 14 at 1pm with the announcement of a new MTAC structure that is in effect as of January 2025. In the past, Tuesday’s session was open to people in the …
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When I was a young Applications Analyst for Linotype on Long Island, I was flabbergasted by the number of three-letter acronyms (TLAs) that had developed around PostScript and prepress. (Pre-press was still hyphenated at the time, which gives you an idea of how long ago this was.) For fun, I created a three-letter acronym generator with the help of some of my work colleagues. If memory serves, we used FileMaker Pro to make it. We selected three sets of words to choose from. All you had to do was press a button and a new acronym would automatically appear, picked randomly from those sets of words. Even though they were randomly chosen and often nonsensical, sometimes they seemed eerily similar to the ones we used every day in our work. Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Process Automation This TLA memory came back to me not long ago when I was working on a white paper about the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the growth of robotic process automation (RPA). It seemed like …
Blog Entry
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The potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to change the print industry is huge. We’ve been promised a revolution in the way we work, from increased efficiency and automation to more insightful data analysis and more actionable business insights. But the promise of AI has not yet been fully realized; while adoption is quickly growing, a September 2024 PRINTING United Alliance and NAPCO Research survey found that just 62.4% of respondents were either using AI or planning to within the next year. 1 Print service providers are highly motivated to capitalize on the possibilities offered by AI. Many PSPs report big challenges going into 2025 including increased operating costs, decreased sales, and continuing labor shortages. Of course, implementing AI solutions can be a hurdle in and of itself; with a technology as broad and wide-ranging as AI (and with practically every software and platform out there claiming to have AI tools and features), where should PSPs focus today to get the …
Print Provider
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Sebis Direct, Inc. is a leading provider of direct mail and document management services in the U.S. We harness cutting-edge technology, automated processes, and a zero-defect environment to securely deliver critical documents through physical and electronic channels. With over 35 years of expertise in document delivery, Sebis has become a trusted authority in printing technology and workflow automation. Our unwavering focus on security and integrity is demonstrated by our SOC-II, PCI-DSS, and HIPAA for Business Associates compliance standards, ensuring your data is always protected. We pride ourselves on providing unparalleled customer service, with dedicated representatives and user-friendly interactive dashboards that offer clients real-time transparency and control over their document processes. From healthcare to finance, utilities to government, Sebis Direct tailors document management solutions to meet the unique needs of any industry. Partner with Sebis and experience …