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If 2020 had a theme, it might be “Expect the Unexpected.” I don’t know of one company that has seen this year go according to plan. Many have faced unprecedented challenges. A few have benefitted from offering the right solution at the right time. Most of us have had to pivot in some way, and not one of us knows what 2021 will bring. So how are we supposed to craft sound marketing strategies, with all of this uncertainty? My advice: think of this planning season as an invitation to get back to basics. Keep it simple by sticking to these 4 steps. Choose one high-level marketing goal. A good mantra during times like these is, “Focus.” Whether you need to build brand awareness, generate more leads, or increase customer satisfaction and retention, choose a single must-complete, high-level goal for 2021. Use this goal as your North Star all year long. As you consider new projects or marketing activities during the year, ask yourself whether they will help you achieve your goal. When …
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In previous blogs about successfully working the sales funnel, we’ve examined, first, various tactics to make people aware of your existence (top of the funnel), and then ways to spark their interest in what you have to offer (mid-funnel). Now, let’s turn our attention to converting interested buyers into confirmed customers … AKA, the bottom of the sales funnel. Here, our old friend email can really shine, but its approach fundamentally changes when working to convert prospects into customers. Email debuted nicely in the mid-funnel. Here, you’ve built an email list of those who viewed blogs and other content from you website, or commented on your social posts. You’ve asked them to register to access other smart content, such as expert guides, white papers, and webcasts, all of which demonstrate your ability to solve their problems and needs. But now you’ve identified a select few who seem like really warm leads. You’ve done that from the your lead-scoring data collected by CRM …
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10 years ago, when the housing crisis hit, business was off for most printers by 25 to 30%. Who knew we’d be envious of those numbers? The coronavirus has set many of us back 60% or more. But there was one print shop owner who told Bill she had a breakeven year. Breakeven? Are you serious? How is that even possible? Her city was devastated the same as everyone else. Her customers were just as hesitant. She did not tap into some unknown market because of the situation. She simply remembered one thing: We are quick printers. “Quick” is part of our name. And so, she decided to remind her clients of that. Customers are nervous about making mistakes. As such, they tend to wait before pulling the trigger on print jobs and marketing efforts. But there’s one thing that hasn’t changed: When they want it, they want it now! Are you built for speed? If you are equipped with inkjet printing capabilities, one of your key assets and selling points is likely turnaround time. Take a lesson from the …