SmartBill Ltd.

SmartBill prints and mails millions of documents per month.  They provide online services which includes online bill viewing, electronic bill presentment and are a payment facilitator with a fully integrated payment solution for health care companies, utilities, commercial enterprises, and government entities across the country. We save our clients tens of thousands of dollars every year on billing and mailing expenses and free up their resources to focus on their core businesses.

SmartBill is a unique company among those in the bill printing and electronic presentment and payment industry. We invest heavily in printing, sorting, mailing, and presentment/payment technology, and we offer unrivaled data handling and programming expertise. Our clients trust us to increase their productivity and customer satisfaction.  Above all, our clients know we’ll contain their costs with our unrelenting focus on continuous improvement and innovation.

1050 O'Neill Drive
Hebron OH 43025

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