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Bill Farquharson and Kelly Mallozzi

Here's Why You're Not Selling More Inkjet Printing

By Bill Farquharson and Kelly Mallozzi on October 24, 2019

This is the 12th of 12 blogs written for Canon on the subject of selling inkjet printing. In addition, we wrote for White Papers. Let’s bring this plane in for a landing.

The very first line in the very first White Paper asked a question: Why aren't you selling more inkjet printing?

The answer, and the Paper itself, is based on fundamentals. We told you success in print of all kinds comes down to four factors:

  1. Make a high-value, well-researched sales call;
  2. Choose the best target markets;
  3. Create a step-by-step, week by week prospecting process;
  4. Apply that process with diligence and pleasant persistency.

You were given the opportunity to take a Sales Assessment test to measure your strengths in each of these areas and if you did, you are able to compare your results with others.

But did you ever get an answer to the question? Do you understand what's in your way to inkjet print sales success? While we can't give a specific answer regarding you and your sales challenges, we certainly can report on our observations of the general sales population.

Culprit #1: You are "selling inkjet printing"

Now, before you get on our case and point out that selling inkjet printing is your job, hear us out. Imagine the outcome of the following sales pitch…

"Good morning. My name is Bill. May I speak with the person who buys your print?"

At best, you will start down the path that features quoting existing work and being judged based on your ability to provide low prices. Inkjet printing was not invented so that you can shave profit margins. Next, consider the outcome of this sales pitch…

"Good morning. My name is Bill. I read an article in the Wall Street Journal about banks like yours which are struggling to find new depositors. I've got some ideas I like to discuss with you as I believe my company can help."

At worst, taking this approach will differentiate you from your competition and give you instant credibility since you are not talking about your world, you're talking about theirs.

Lesson 1: Solve the problem, earn the order.

Culprit #2: You are not being diligent enough

90% of first-time voicemail messages go without a follow-up. That is, a salesperson calls once and then never calls again. Only through the persistent pursuit of any given prospect— week after week, call after call— is success attained.

If your sales are lacking, it could be you are reading a nonresponse from a client to be a hard, “No!” Understand this: The sales needle is moving but you just can't see it.

Lesson 2: Make the calls. Make the calls. Make the calls.

You don't need to stray from the fundamentals in order to find success in selling inkjet printing. A high value, well researched sales call to the right target market through applying a process with diligence will succeed 100% of the time.

Bill Farquharson can be found at and Kelly Mallozzi is reachable through