Sustainability: It is Everyone's Job

Technical Track

As a transactional, direct mail, or in-plant printer, how comfortable are you with your environmental credentials? Are they solidly green or perhaps still a work in progress? Have your customers or prospects started to ask you about them yet? If not, they likely will soon.

Sustainability is not a trend, but a revolution of all industries and business sectors. It is now driving our decisions and actions. Across industries, companies are looking for innovations that reduce their environmental footprint on an almost daily basis. This webinar is focused on sustainability goals and making clear advances towards achieving them with inkjet. In today’s market, demonstrating a commitment to sustainability could give you a real competitive advantage. And potential customers will be more likely to view you as the kind of progressive company they want to work with. Key topics we will discuss include the digital advantage, environmental benefits of Inkjet, eco-friendly inks, and energy consumption.