Taxes for Direct Mailers and Printers: Sales Tax Multistate Compliance

Business Track

Multistate sales tax compliance for printers was an unintended side effect of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2018 Wayfair decision. In the five years since that decision, state tax agencies have begun auditing printers and direct mail producers for use tax even though these companies don’t step foot in the state! The taxman is on the prowl, and for printers and direct mail producers, the time for burying one’s head in the tax compliance sand is over. Don’t be caught unaware about how your mailing activity, postage payment, and client billing might be exposing you to tax liability. This live class will address the multiple unique aspects of multistate sales tax compliance for printers, from taxability of the components of your production line to just what type of data you need to maintain to comply correctly.