2024 Omnichannel Marketing Trends

Business Track

Learn how marketers can break through the noise with revitalized marketing strategies that call on pre-digital tactics, disrupt linear funnel thinking, and demonstrate a true commitment to action. In this live thINK Academy class Comperemedia will share three Omnichannel Marketing Trends that are set to impact companies, brands, and marketers in 2024 and beyond. The 2024 Omnichannel Marketing Trends are rooted in competitive intelligence, industry expertise, and shifting consumer behaviors and are a result of in-depth conversations among competitive intelligence analysts. We will discuss developments in the industry, as well as consumer-reported behavior and attitudes, and share the forecast of the year ahead. This year, trends were driven by key themes in 2023: economic uncertainty, the rise of new social media channels, and backlash to corporate social responsibility initiatives.