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Calendar Events

Selling the Benefits of Inkjet

Event Description

Join us on for an insightful thINK Academy Live Class designed to help print sales professionals tap into the hidden potential of your Canon production inkjet equipment. Join industry expert Kate Dunn to discover the key selling messages that get the attention of marketing and print buyers today.

In this live class, you will learn:

  • How to clearly articulate the benefits of Canon's production inkjet presses to prospects and existing customers.
  • Key selling messages that effectively convey the advantages of inkjet technology.
  • How to utilize Canon's advanced capabilities to gain an edge over your competition.

2024 Omnichannel Marketing Trends

Event Description

Learn how marketers can break through the noise with revitalized marketing strategies that call on pre-digital tactics, disrupt linear funnel thinking, and demonstrate a true commitment to action.In this live thINK Academy class Comperemedia will share three Omnichannel Marketing Trends that are set to impact companies, brands, and marketers in 2024 and beyond. The 2024 Omnichannel Marketing Trends are rooted in competitive intelligence, industry expertise, and shifting consumer behaviors and are a result of in-depth conversations among competitive intelligence analysts. We will discuss developments in the industry, as well as consumer-reported behavior and attitudes, and share the forecast of the year ahead. This year, trends were driven by key themes in 2023: economic uncertainty, the rise of new social media channels, and backlash to corporate social responsibility initiatives.


Calendar Events

Inkjet Print Buyers: What They Look Like & How to Reach Them

Event Description

To maximize the impact of your Canon production inkjet investment, sales teams must learn how to identify and engage their target audience — print buyers. Join us in this live thINK Academy call to learn how to effectively target and engage the print buyers most likely to utilize inkjet technology.

In this live class, you'll learn:

• The critical characteristics of print buyers who are likely to see value from Canon production inkjet technology.

• Tactics for identifying potential buyers.

• Critical strategies for engaging target print buyers in today’s market.

Delivering Performance: Direct Mail in the U.S.

Event Description

Based on an exhaustive primary research effort incorporating input from hundreds of marketers and supply chain industry leaders, in this live class you will learn:

  • U.S. marketers will invest more than $39 billion in direct mail this year.
  • Some marketers and early-stage direct-to-consumer brands are increasing their direct mail investment as a means of supporting their customer acquisition and incremental sales needs.
  • Improvements in the integration of data and creative content are allowing direct mailers to achieve long-promised value from on-demand production, personalization, trigger-driven programs, retargeting, and more.

2024 Insurance Marketing Trends

Event Description

In this live thINK Academy class we will have an in-depth discussion of Insurance marketing trends and  explore how P&C insurance brands will reestablish their trust among consumers, engage with younger customers, and how you as a print service provider can help them.


Calendar Events

Using Analytics to Manage Your Business

Event Description
  • Are you looking for clear, data-based insights into how to improve productivity across your production printing fleet?
  • Would more facts about printer performance help you increase efficiency and reduce costs?
  • Do you need to allocate printing costs accurately to multiple internal or external customers, departments, or accounts?

In today’s environment everyone is under pressure to raise productivity and safeguard margins. Businesses are looking to manage print performance more holistically. By using real-time data in clear tables and charts, print service providers can leverage the PRISMAlytics Dashboard, an easy and secure cloud-based management information tool that helps to provide comprehensive overviews for a variety of Canon presses.

In this session, you will hear from Canon experts as well as your peers on techniques for leveraging PRISMAlytics Accounting and PRISMAlyticsDashboard to more effectively manage operations.

The Inkjet Advantage for Vertical Market Print

Event Description

Production inkjet is rapidly becoming a game-changer, offering significant benefits over traditional printing methods. Successful sellers help their customers understand how production inkjet can help them achieve critical business objectives. In this thINK Academy live class we will focus on the key trends driving inkjet volume in the retail, insurance, and financial services markets.

You will learn more about:

•. The critical trends that impact the vertical markets and customer communication.

•. How these trends influence the growing demand for personalized and interactive communication.

•  How companies can benefit from adding print to their digital communication strategies.

Financial Services Marketing Trends

Event Description

In this live thINK Academy class Comperemedia will share three financial services marketing trends that are set to impact companies, brands, and marketers in 2024 and beyond. The trends are rooted in competitive marketing intelligence, consumer behavior, and industry expertise, and offer a comprehensive look at the momentum and forecast of the financial services industry over the next year. Aspects of the trend predictions were driven by four key themes that shaped the landscape in 2023: economic uncertainty, changing demographics, outside disruptors, and regulatory actions.


Calendar Events

Look What Inkjet Can Do: Case Studies & Samples

Event Description

Join us for an exclusive thINK Academy live class showcasing the impressive capabilities of Canon production inkjet technology. Learn how businesses from multiple vertical markets utilize Inkjet to achieve critical business objectives, including customer acquisition and retention.

In this class, you will:

  • Explore case studies highlighting the successful use of inkjet technology in various industries.
  • Gain insights on how inkjet technology can elevate print applications designed to engage customers, streamline campaign cycles, and maximize budgets.
  • Learn how to identify prospects who can benefit from moving offset or digital applications to inkjet production.

Production Inkjet: Profitably Expanding Business

Event Description

Production inkjet printing adoption is enabling in-plant, commercial, and direct mail print providers to both create new revenue streams with emerging applications and improve profits with operational excellence. This live class will discuss key new application opportunities as well as the impact of inkjet on operational efficiency to expand profits. 

Key topics include:

  • New product applications that could not previously be done profitably until the firm invested in inkjet.
  • How inkjet technologies are enabling the transition from offset and digital toner applications to high-speed color production inkjet printing.
  • The impact inkjet adoption has on workflow efficiencies, reduced labor cost, improved reliability, and overall increases in profitability.

2024 Telecommunications and Media Marketing Trends

Event Description

In this live thINK Academy class Comperemedia will share  three Telecom and Media Marketing Trends that are set to impact companies, brands, and marketers in 2024 and beyond. The 2024 Telecom and Media Marketing Trends are rooted in competitive intelligence, industry expertise, and shifting consumer behaviors and are a result of in-depth conversations among competitive intelligence analysts. We will share recent developments in the industry, as well as consumer-reported behavior and attitudes, and the forecast for the year ahead.


Calendar Events

Digital Print: drupa Delivers

Event Description

Being the leading trade fair for print technologies, drupa is associated with innovations and new approaches for all facets of printing. In this live class, key industry analysts will share their perspective on drupa critical trends emerging for 2024 and beyond as well as strategies to capitalize on current market conditions. Key areas of focus include print technology trends, streamlining workflows, artificial intelligence, expansion into digital marketing services, customization and personalization, emerging applications, substrate expansion, application opportunities and key market segments for focus, sales and marketing strategies, diversification, and market consolidation.

Content Management Systems: The Key to Omnichannel Experiences

Event Description

Get clarity on the complex and rapidly evolving landscape of content management systems (CMS).

In the process of developing this paper, Winterberry Group surveyed more than 150 decision makers across the U.S. and conducted in-depth interviews with influencers in the CMS market.

The result is an evidence-based examination of the use cases, considerations, tradeoffs, and value of different CMS platforms while exploring the investment, technology, and strategy trends that impact the content and digital experience landscape these platforms support.


Calendar Events

thINK Marketing Toolkit Demo

Event Description

The thINK Marketing Toolkit offers print service providers a variety of marketing materials designed to help them accelerate their success with inkjet. In this live thINK Academy class, we will share how you can leverage the thINK marketing toolkit to quickly ramp your marketing efforts and take a deep dive into the MKTG Lab tools including application samples, Canon logos, direct mail and email campaigns, infographics, inkjet press photography, social media — and more!


Calendar Events

Taxes for Direct Mailers and Printers: Sales Tax Multistate Compliance

Event Description

Multistate sales tax compliance for printers was an unintended side effect of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2018 Wayfair decision. In the five years since that decision, state tax agencies have begun auditing printers and direct mail producers for use tax even though these companies don’t step foot in the state! The taxman is on the prowl, and for printers and direct mail producers, the time for burying one’s head in the tax compliance sand is over. Don’t be caught unaware about how your mailing activity, postage payment, and client billing might be exposing you to tax liability. This live class will address the multiple unique aspects of multistate sales tax compliance for printers, from taxability of the components of your production line to just what type of data you need to maintain to comply correctly.

From Data to Insight: The Outlook for Marketing Analytics

Event Description

Marketing analytics play a crucial role in helping marketers understand their target audience, reach them effectively, and evaluate the success of their marketing efforts.

The history of marketing analytics has shown a steady evolution and improvement through iteration, but we are now experiencing a revolution driven by multiple factors, such as seismic shifts in privacy, rapid changes in storage and processing power, and access to data infrastructure technologies that allow structured and unstructured data to be integrated. Additionally, analytical techniques have advanced to include machine learning, deep learning, and advanced AI. These developments have enabled marketers to harness the full benefits of more advanced analytics to enhance multiple areas of activity. There are significant obstacles to growth, however, as the loss of data identifiers, privacy regulation, and entrenched organizational cultures force marketers to innovate in understanding what drives value. These challenges will be overcome, and result in more widespread use of analytics to innovate how companies identify, understand, and engage with prospects and customers.

In this live class we will share current and emerging marketing analytics use cases, industry challenges, and factors for success as demonstrated by companies that are utilizing analytics most effectively.



Calendar Events

Taxes for Direct Mailers and Printers: Income and Gross Receipts Tax

Event Description

Lest you think that states are stopping with sales taxes, think again. Now that enough time has passed for states to implement sales tax enforcement post-Wayfair, they are turning their attention to income and other business taxes on companies that have nexus. And for many companies, the post-COVID pandemic hiring market has led to a shift in operations with many businesses adopting hybrid or remote work policies. In this webinar, we’ll discuss just what types of taxes print producers could be subject to based on their sales revenue, what protections are available, and how to think about multistate business tax compliance.

Artificial Intelligence and the Printing Industry

Event Description

AI is everywhere these days, from the biggest enterprise computer systems all the way down to the predictive text function in your phone’s keyboard. The print industry is no exception in their approach to leveraging AI. Print service providers are using AI technology to cut down on waste, speed up production times, provide customization, and streamline operations. In this session, experts and your peers will discuss some of the ways AI will revolutionize the print industry. Topics include smart layouts, press monitoring and adjustments, workflow automation, automated die cut algorithms, target marketing, and security.


Calendar Events

Making the Move to Omnichannel Services

Event Description

We are rapidly moving to a world where every advertisement, email, direct mail communication, store visit, mobile offer, and website visit is personalized. This is just the type of experience that today’s consumers are expecting. Market leaders are evaluating and assessing techniques for delivering more accurate, relevant, and personalized touchpoints across all forms of communication. These companies are optimizing customer interactions through print, mobile, social, and online platforms.

In this session, we will hear from your peers about the strategies, tools, and techniques they are using to support marketing clients in the delivery of an omnichannel experience.

Taxes for Direct Mailers and Printers: Strategic Action Plans

Event Description

Now that we’ve explored the different aspects of tax compliance obligations are for printers who have nexus, we’ll put the whole thing together to discuss what a multistate tax compliance action plan looks like. We’ll cover what considerations go into evaluating where a printer has tax compliance obligations, options and programs available to address and mitigate any historical liabilities, and strategies for legally minimizing obligations going forward.


Calendar Events

Taxes for Direct Mailers and Printers: Economic Nexus

Event Description

In the world post-Wayfair, the U.S. Supreme Court gave states the greenlight to turn the concept of nexus on its head. Just what is “nexus” to begin with, and why is it so important for the print industry to understand? At its core, nexus means connection. Through this live class, we’ll explore just what it takes to establish a strong enough connection with a state to be on the hook for tax compliance on a tax-by-tax basis. We’ll also cover the special nexus rules out there that apply uniquely to the print industry.


Calendar Events

Sustainability: It is Everyone's Job

Event Description

As a transactional, direct mail, or in-plant printer, how comfortable are you with your environmental credentials? Are they solidly green or perhaps still a work in progress? Have your customers or prospects started to ask you about them yet? If not, they likely will soon.

Sustainability is not a trend, but a revolution of all industries and business sectors. It is now driving our decisions and actions. Across industries, companies are looking for innovations that reduce their environmental footprint on an almost daily basis. This webinar is focused on sustainability goals and making clear advances towards achieving them with inkjet. In today’s market, demonstrating a commitment to sustainability could give you a real competitive advantage. And potential customers will be more likely to view you as the kind of progressive company they want to work with. Key topics we will discuss include the digital advantage, environmental benefits of Inkjet, eco-friendly inks, and energy consumption.



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