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Domtar blog

Changing the Direct Mail Game with Production Inkjet

By Meredith Collins, Customer Marketing Manager, Domtar on September 28, 2022

Digital media is here to stay — but there is always an opportunity to include print as part of a marketing plan. As supply chain challenges persist, it’s important to continue to communicate the irreplaceable role that direct mail plays within a successful marketing strategy. 

Production inkjet is poised to become the go-to print technology for marketers. With the continuous improvements that are happening within the industry, brands and businesses can better reach the right audience and appeal directly to customers’ needs and interests, while having a direct impact on the bottom line.


Why Use Direct Mail? 

Digital fatigue is real, especially after 2+ years of working and living at home. In fact, 75% of consumers report being overwhelmed by the number of digital ads they see daily. This is causing them to tune out important messaging and abandon sites (and brands) altogether. 

Direct mail is the perfect solution. Not only does physical mail allow consumers to tangibly engage and have a tactile experience, it’s proven to move them further down the sales funnel while building stronger brand loyalty. Direct mail has been reported to have a response rate 13x that of email alone, which helps marketers achieve the holy grail of goals: conversions. Consumers embrace and trust direct mail because they can control when and how they interact – instead of being bombarded with random emails and digital ads. 


The Benefits of Using Production Inkjet for Direct Mail 

Direct mail has evolved over the years. Rather than using the “spray and pray” method, keen brands are using customer data (gathered both online as well as offline) to create personalized and relevant engagement experiences. Inkjet’s speed, flexibility, and quality make it a natural fit for direct mail. Marketers should be encouraged to “think digital” and go with inkjet for the following reasons:

  • It uses water-based ink instead of toner, which means high-quality printing, at high volumes, at a lower cost

  • There is no need to print extras, eliminating shells and providing the flexibility to change at a moment’s notice

  • Increased production speed, substrate versatility, and faster drying allows marketers to communicate relevant and timely information quickly

  • Improved image quality allows for increased customization and personalization, which consumers now expect from brands

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