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Bill and Kelly headshot

Your Best Vertical Market Is...

By Bill Farquharson and Kelly Mallozzi on August 20, 2019

Bill has three daughters, Kate, Emma, and Madeline. 

When Kate graduated from high school, she stepped into college in Boston. That expensive mistake was also Bill’s first experience with the college admissions process. Kate’s criteria for a school was fairly simple: Is the school far away from her parents? Her college of choice welcomed Kate with open arms, the check cleared, and her college career was off and running.

Two years later, Emma started looking at schools. One of them was UVM, the University of Vermont. To Bill, it was a perfect match. Emma was interested in Psychology, playing softball, skiing, and theater. UVM has the top Psych department amongst all other public schools in New England, had just built an indoor softball facility, receives 200+ inches of snow a year, and boasts an amazing drama program. 

In the end, Emma chose the University of Massachusetts, saving her father $20,000 a year.

But if UVM was such a perfect fit, why didn’t she go there? Looking back, her father would say it was poor recruitment on their part. THEY NEVER ASKED EMMA WHAT SHE WAS INTERESTED IN! Had they just taken the time to learn more, things might have been different. 

By the time it was Madeline’s turn two years later, Bill was a subject matter expert in the world of college admissions, having visited and applied to literally dozens of schools. 

Higher Education is the best vertical market for inkjet printing…but only for Bill. You see, now he understands their pain. He gets their failing business model. He can hold a conversation with an Admissions Director and even has ideas for improving their recruitment rate. 

What’s your best vertical market? Where are you a subject matter expert? Is it restaurants? Churches? Franchises? 

Think back on your past experiences. Where is your hidden expertise? It matters that you know someone else’s world and can hold an intelligent conversation. You don’t need to know the answers. You needn’t have dozens of ideas at the ready. You only need to know the questions to ask. That’s where the money is.

Your best vertical market for selling inkjet printing is waiting for you. It starts with an interest, a little curiosity, or some life experience. You are likely more qualified than you know. 


Bill Farquharson and Kelly Mallozzi have sold digital print themselves and create a lot of content around the subject.  Their book, Who’s Making Money at Digital/Inkjet Printing is available on Amazon. Bill Farquharson can be found at and Kelly Mallozzi is reachable through