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A Peek at Print Trends Outlook 2019
As a new year begins, print service providers (PSPs) are looking ahead to see exactly how print technology will evolve in the near future. Due to careful planning, many providers are in a position to take full advantage of these production improvement opportunities. However, since innovation is constantly occurring on multiple fronts, organizations may feel overwhelmed tracking every possible improvement that can add to their profit margins.
As part of our beginning-of-year services, Keypoint Intelligence – InfoTrends (InfoTrends) has chronicled a list of upcoming hardware and software innovations expected to impact the print industry in 2019. As these trends tend to build and continue year-to-year, expect to see some highlights that may have been mentioned in previous reports.
For those looking for internal innovation, InfoTrends recognizes that sales and marketing initiatives are also a vital aspect of business development. These are covered in our “Business Development Strategies Road Map for 2019”.
Key Findings
The dominating trend of recent years – brands growing demand for mass customization – continues to be a driver for market innovation.
Automation continues to be a key priority for PSPs and printer manufacturers. Technological innovations, advancements in cloud computing, and SaaS for licensing, will allow printers to, in a sense, “be smarter,” handling more complex operations without the need of central oversight.
Digital printing technology and solutions are serving as growth drivers in every segment of production printing.
PSPs and manufacturers should continue to look for partners in need of a competitive edge. Some of the fastest growing segments in 2019 are graphic communications and specialty printing, which includes all segments of wide format display and vehicle wraps.
Those working in wide format should prioritize replacing hardware, as many prepare to do so for more efficient, more featured, eco-friendly machines.
Digital print is advancing in every packaging application, but its penetration varies. Digital print is most common in the label segment, where electrophotographic printing leads but inkjet alternatives are gaining share. Companies working in labels should ensure they are putting the best hardware on the job to maximize revenue potential.
In the folding carton and flexible packaging applications, electrophotographic printing is a young alternative now to analog presses, and inkjet is just getting started, while in corrugated inkjet is well established for prototyping and growing rapidly as a production print technology. Companies printing these three packaging applications now have an expanding list of digital technology option to augment their analog systems.
Download the white paper, “Print Trends Outlook 2019” to learn more about these print trends:
Automation Becomes More Prevalent...and Intelligent
Mass Customization Software Tools will be More Available
Digital Printing Continues to Innovate and Improve
Embellishment Options are Expanding
Continuing Advancements in Ink Chemistry
Wide Format Expands
Packaging Grows on Five Fronts