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Nichole Jones

ICYMI: 3 Ways to Use LinkedIn for Your Print Business Growth

By Nichole Jones on May 10, 2018

In case you missed it (ICYMI), Kate Dunn, Director at Keypoint Intelligence – InfoTrends, presented a 30-minute thINK webinar this week that was all about using LinkedIn to market your business. Dunn opened her presentation by discussing why LinkedIn is such a critical tool in your marketing toolbox and set the stage for how this social media platform can help you differentiate from competitors and improve the efficiency of your prospecting process. Here are 3 ways you should be using LinkedIn now! 

#1 To Build Your Company Brand
“Your company page can be a powerful tool to help prospects find you, reinforce your value to existing clients, and attract top talent to your company,” Dunn explained. She offered guidance on how to use your LinkedIn company page and shared best practices for making it stand out from those of your competitors. She walked the audience through key components of the company page and how it can be built to help prospects find you, reinforce your credibility when your reach out to prospects, and create shareable content that will expand your audience.

#2 To Build Your Personal Brand
Switching gears from business pages to personal pages, Dunn also covered the dos and don’ts of leveraging your personal LinkedIn profile. “Your profile is not a resume, it’s a branding opportunity,” she noted. You won’t want to miss Dunn’s tips on building your personal brand via LinkedIn, which include ideas for creating engaging headlines, building a personal summary that will get prospects excited about talking to you, and demonstrating your thought leadership. 

#3 As a Research Tool & Lead Generator
The final portion of Dunn’s webinar presentation provided some important tips on how to use this social media platform to streamline your prospecting process and improve the efficiency of your sales force. Combining compelling examples and homework takeaways, she shared insights on creating a sales funnel, starting a dialogue, and using LinkedIn as a publishing platform to expand your brand, connect with your network and build trust. 

Listen to the replay and learn about: 

  • How your LinkedIn Profile can differentiate you and your company
  • Best practices for creating engaging profiles and company pages that tell a compelling story about how you can help your prospects
  • Ways to use this social media platform for prospecting and managing leads, while also building your brand 

Want to read more about Using LinkedIn to Build Your Business? Click here to read a recent InfoTrends whitepaper. Ready to listen to the Webinar replay? Find it here.

Nichole Jones is a Consultant for Keypoint Intelligence – InfoTrends’ Business Development Strategies consulting service. Her responsibilities include managing the promotion and distribution of content and assisting clients and channels in building business development programs. She is also responsible for developing curriculum and content for e-Learning programs, which deliver online sales training.