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NOW What Do We Do?

By Bill Farquharson and Kelly Mallozzi on April 07, 2020

During these strange and scary days, you have time on your hands that you ordinarily wouldn’t. If Stephen Covey were writing this blog, he would tell you to, “Sharpen the saw.” That is, “Since you can’t sell, improve your selling skills.” He’s not writing this blog, but we will say it just the same.

Each week, we will give you suggestions for how best to fill your days and come out better and stronger on the other side. So, let’s start with this week’s quick sales tip for inkjet printing:

Just like in sales itself, there are four keys to success when it comes to selling inkjet:

  1. Make a high-value, well researched sales call;
  2. Choose the best targets to approach;
  3. Create a prospecting process;
  4. Apply that process with diligence.

Before we get much further down the road, let’s talk about your skill level on each of these four points. If you haven’t done so already, we suggest you take our free Sales Assessment Test and answer a few questions. By being as honest as possible, you will be able to identify any holes in your selling process. Patching these holes with education and knowledge will get you to where you need to be.

The key is to be completely honest with yourself. You need a clear picture of where you’re at and establish a benchmark. Only a high-value call to the right target markets applying a process with diligence will result in profitable inkjet print sales.

Stay safe and keep learning.

Kelly Mallozzi is a content creator for the graphic arts. She can be found at

About This Blog: The message appearing in this blog also comes in video format. To access the video, go to: NOW What Do We Do