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You Should Already Know

It’s That Marketing Time of the Year

By Bill Farquharson and Kelly Mallozzi on December 01, 2020

We are coming up on a magical time of year. The weather is turning colder, the holidays are approaching and, it’s beginning to look a lot like…


Admit it, you thrive in a chaotic environment and flounder during the quiet times. Think about the days just before Thanksgiving, right around Christmas and just before New Year’s. The ability to connect with customers is downright lousy. Their attention (and yours, probably) is turned in a different direction.

This is the perfect opportunity for you to create some marketing content to assist in your inkjet print sales.

Part of what makes digital and inkjet printing different comes down to storytelling. You need to create success stories in video and printed form to help customers and prospects understand the benefits of this technology.

Let’s skip to the end of the chapter…

When your phone rings and someone says, “I saw that video you posted on LinkedIn about the company that got double digit response rates because of personalized postcards and want to talk to about what you can do for me and my company,” you have arrived!

Creating marketing content does not have to be complicated and you do not need to spend any money. What’s important is to use part of your quiet holiday time to grease the skids for future sales.


*The Situational Sale

While general prospecting involves a step-by-step, week by week process and includes almost endless follow-up attempts, Situational Selling is far more finite. This might include a simple mailing and a phone call and/or email but no more. This does not have to be complex or involved. The important part is to repeat the process for each opportunity every year as you build off of and benefit from previous years’ attempts.


Bill Farquharson is a sales trainer for the graphic arts. He can be found at

Kelly Mallozzi is a content creator for the graphic arts. She can be found at