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Brad Simpson

Investing in Inkjet, Sell Like a Boss

By Brad Simpson on May 05, 2017

Hosted by Brad Simpson, the panel for this session represented a diverse set of inkjet customers, ranging from a 100 person print shop with a widely diverse customer set, to a large in-house printing group, to an expansive $600M+, 3,800 person print business.  The panelists described their motivations and goals for investment in inkjet printing, their planning process, and the resulting advantages they have experienced. Did you miss it? View the on-demand session now

In this thINK panel discussion Christine Soward, Ron Goglia and Pat Foley describe what led them to inkjet, and how they evaluated and communicated the advantages for their investment.  

Support for business growth was one key motivator for investment in inkjet.  “We chose inkjet because our business was growing, and we needed to be able to scale predictably,” explained Christine Soward of DMS ink, adding “It allows us to be scalable and compete against larger companies.”  One of Pat Foley’s Merrill facilities had a similar reason, with a customer’s business “exploding in multiples of size and volume.”  Inkjet allowed them to scale and support their increased volume instead of large investments in other technologies. 

Another key motivator was increased efficiency and ROI.  Ron Goglia described the Cigna printer group’s investment discussion and consideration:  “What’s our next five years?  It was clearly to reduce our costs and increase our productivity, and move ourselves away from aged toner boxes.” They drew a line in the sand, and put together a multi-year business plan to make and support this investment. 

The panelists described the importance of considering and communicating the less tangible benefits of transitioning to inkjet as well.  Although capex and increased productivity are critical and relatively easy to quantify, reducing intangible costs are potentially an even more positive impact to the company’s business. 

View the recorded session to hear the responses to these and other questions:

  • How did the panelists evaluate their inkjet investment?
  • What were the key drivers for the investment?
  • Besides looking at print, how much do you look at the entire value stream?
  • What were the “aha!” results you experienced from the transition to inkjet?
  • How did you justify the acquisition costs?
  • In what time period did you expect and see the return on your investment?

View the on-demand session to gain broad and practical insight into opportunities for your business, as well as how to plan and communicate a compelling strategy for inkjet investment and business growth.

Brad Simpson, Director of Inkjet Sales, Canon Solutions America Production Printing Division is responsible for the sale of Océ branded production inkjet systems. Now, in his 19th year at CSA, Brad’s greatest strengths lie in his customer focus, strategic approach, and drive to implement CSA’s core values for delivering excellent customer experience. Over the course of his career, Brad continually met and achieved sales and customer satisfaction objectives, resulting in numerous awards. He attributes the key to his success in his ability to listen to the customer, collaborate toward customized solutions, and manage the detail required to achieve desired objectives. Brad holds a Masters of Business Administration degree from Keller Graduate School of Management, with emphasis in operations management and strategic management of technology. Prior to this, he received his Bachelors in Operations Management from Missouri State University.