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Inside the Mind of a Print Buyer
Deborah Corn presented 5 ways to get in the customer’s door and stay there.This informative and entertaining session described how print buyers think, consider potential printing partners, and make decisions on who wins the business. A variety of effective approaches were discussed, including what common errors to avoid, and real-life anecdotes on what worked. Deborah is especially gifted at eliciting questions and input from her audience, plus has a large customer and industry audience from which to draw current and relevant data. Did you miss it? View the recorded session.
Understanding the priorities of print buyers are critical to stand out from your competition in offering print services. But these priorities can be surprising, and may not match your approach to potential customers.
View the recorded session to hear the responses to these and other questions:
- Do you know what print buyers want?
- What do 100 senior level advertising and marketing buyers consider most important in a printer’s services?
- How can you “wow” a potential customer?
- What do over half of surveyed customers care MOST about?
- What are some common mistakes in approaching new potential customers?
The session also focused on some of the mis-matches between the common printer “pitch” and what print buyers are actually seeking; there are not only a few surprises, but also positive guidelines for how to streamline conversations, and effectively create the right relationship.
Did you miss it? View the recorded session
Deborah Corn describes herself as the Intergalactic Ambassador to the Printerverse, and her expertise is based on 25+ years of experience with 100s of printers and service providers. She also cultivates and manages the #1 print group on LinkedIn with over 95,000 members, and offers her succinct and sage wisdom at