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Bill Farquharson and Kelly Mallozzi

The Inkjet Print Sales Cycle

By Bill Farquharson and Kelly Mallozzi on October 10, 2019

It's springtime, finally.

All winter long you have waited for the opportunity to plant your garden and your first thought this morning was, "Today's the day!" So, you drag a shovel in a straight line across the soil, carefully drop in seeds, replace the dirt, add some water, and voilà, you are done. Replacing the shovel in the garage, you return to the garden to look at your work. Nothing has happened and you frown. You were hoping for more.

The next morning, day two, you stroll out to the garden expecting to see sprouts at bare minimum but once again you're disappointed to see the earth undisturbed. Day three, ditto. Days four, five, six… this is ridiculous, you think. The seeds must've been defective.

Meanwhile, back at work, a sales meeting is called and you learn a new inkjet press has been installed. The company has brought in two sales trainers to talk applications and you listen intently. Returning to your desk, you pick up the phone and call 10 consecutive prospects, leaving voicemail messages that consist of the words you just learned in that meeting. Looking at your watch, it's time for lunch and you head out for a quick bite. When you return 30 minutes later, you are disappointed at the complete lack of return calls from those inkjet print prospects. You were hoping for more.

Arriving for work the next morning, day two, your voicemail is still devoid of call-backs. Day three, ditto. Days four, five, six… this is ridiculous, you think. Those sales trainers gave bad advice.

Several months pass…

Walking outside one late summer morning, you look over the fence to find your neighbor’s garden to be big and bold and beautiful. You are not surprised since he's been out there almost every day tending and fertilizing and protecting and watering. Glancing at your garden, you see only holes where critters long ago dug up your seeds for a snack.

Back at the office, you walk in to find one sales rep high-fiving everyone around her. She just landed her first inkjet print sale and is understandably excited. You are not surprised since she has been relentlessly pursuing the same prospects all summer long. Glancing at your desk, you see only holes in your calendar were appointments should be.

There is no "instant" in gardening ­­­or inkjet print sales. In both cases, you must plant seeds and then work to see that those seeds take root through follow-up, watering, and fertilizer.

Success as a gardener or a seller of inkjet print is not instantaneous. Set your expectations and get to work. Include equal parts persistence and patience. A bountiful harvest awaits.

Bill Farquharson can be found at and Kelly Mallozzi is reachable through