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The Greatest Hits of 2018 (So Far)
As part of our ongoing efforts to continually improve thINK Forum and build the best inkjet industry resource around, we regularly check in to see what’s popular on We keep tabs on the most-read blog posts, the most-downloaded resources, and the most-watched event presentations because we want to bring you more of the content that actually helps you grow your business. Now that we’re approaching the end of the calendar year, we thought it might be useful to share the most popular resources this year (so far). In case you missed something the first time around or want to revisit it, we bring you: thINK Forum’s greatest hits of 2018.
Top Blog Posts
- Harnessing the Power of Promotion to Maximize Sales. In this post, Tonya Powers, Senior Marketing Manager of Production Print Solutions at Canon, makes the case for promoting the value of inkjet in order to increase sales. Tonya recommends another thINK resource: MKTG Lab, a toolkit designed to help printers market themselves without a huge time investment.
- Wow: A First-Timer's Experience at thINK 2018. Karen Kimerer of Keypoint Intelligence-InfoTrends shares her impressions of thINK Forum’s annual conference from a first-time attendee’s point of view. Have yet to attend the event and contemplating thINK 2019? Karen provides a great summary of what to expect!
- Inkjet Production Workflow — The Integration Puzzle. Stephanie Pieruccini, a Product Marketing Manager at Crawford Technologies, provides a common-sense approach to automating your inkjet workflow and integrating a new inkjet press into existing equipment, software, and processes.
Top Downloadable Tools and Resources
- Media Profiles. By far the most popular resource on thINK, these media profiles for the Océ ProStream and Océ VarioPrint i-series are available online to accommodate the rapid pace at which paper options for inkjet continue to grow. New media profiles are being added all the time, so it’s no wonder this is a popular destination for thINK members!
- Print Growth Opportunities: Building Your Bottom Line — Part 1. This white paper from Keypoint Intelligence-InfoTrends lays out clearly how print service providers should consider the growth areas that best fit their strategies in order to build a clear path to profitability. This popular resource is actually Part 1 of a three-part series. If you find it helpful, be sure to check out Part 2 — Promoting Digital Printing and Part 3 — Successful Selling Strategies.
- Inkjet Applications. This comprehensive analysis of current opportunities and trends in inkjet covers opportunities in transactional, direct mail, magalog and catalog, book, magazine, packaging, and more, with an inkjet suitability rating for each. If you’re thinking about getting into one of these areas, this is a great place to start your research.
Top thINK Session Videos
- Keep Your Press Running — More Predictable Press Performance. This session with Ron Trickel, Brian Gallipeau, and Nick Thorne (all of Canon) was a popular one at the live thINK event, and the recorded session continues to draw viewers. The session offers tips and tricks for maximizing the availability of your inkjet press investment, meaning more up-time, more output, and more revenue.
- Arm Yourself: Respond to Objections with Facts to Overcome Stereotypes and Grow Your Revenue. Barb Pellow of Pellow & Partners takes on the objections that thINK members most often encounter in the sales process. Through this interactive session, you’ll learn the right and wrong way to respond to these objections — backed up by data, of course.
- Attracting and Maintaining Millennials in the Print Industry. Warren Wright of Coaching Millennials dissects what differentiates millennials from other generations and how they impact major vertical markets today, plus best-practice models for attracting millennials to your company.
So there you have it: the most popular content on thINK Forum this year. What were some of your favorite posts, videos, and white papers? Which resources have been most helpful to you? And, most importantly, what topics would you like to see covered in 2019? Leave a comment below, contact us, or connect with us on social media to share your thoughts.
Bob Radzis is Chief Customer Officer at SG360°.